We, Nimble Instrumed Company, see the security of your data and the privacy of the highest priority. We have the usual safety measures broke as the use of firewalls and encryption.
Below we will give information about storing and accessing your data on our website.

The Nimble Instrumed website you can visit without SPECIFIED of your personal information. In comments, only your name will be visible, without publication of e-mail addresses or addresses. Personal data are only collected if you provide it voluntarily, eg as part of registration, questions by filling out forms or sending e-mails, as part of an order for products or services, inquiries, or requests for material voluntarily. After complete contract processing, all Personal Data are considering tax and commercial law retention periods stored, unless you have agreed to the further processing and use.
In the event that you are no longer with the storage of your personal data agree or they become incorrect, we will at an appropriate referral back in accordance with statutory provisions, the deletion, correction or blocking of your data by sending an e-mail address cause.

Since us your personal data is important, your data will not be disclosed to third parties. With the exception of service partners, we need to fulfill the contract
We share your information only in keeping with the shipping company further, to the extent necessary to deliver the goods. For the settlement of payments your payment data to the credit institution responsible for payment on.
All information will be used considering the Federal Data Protection Act.